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對應重工業發展, 全新無線工業用攝影機 Apollo M1

  1. 400米無線傳輸
  2. 鏡頭IP67 防水,金屬外殼
  3. 太陽能板供電
  4. 最長30天影片紀錄
  5. iOS 及 Android APP 支援雲端監測


Apollo M1 wireless solar safety crane camera system integrates the innovative solar technology with high-definition wireless cameras to reinvent a highly reliable cost-effective safety solution for cranes.


Smartphone 4G Live View

Apollo Cam app turns your phone into a portable surveillance station through wireless 4G technology. Allows you to monitor multiple live audio-visual feeds and take high-quality snapshots on the go.


Faster, Safer and Smarter

Heavy-duty magnets ensure fast & secured installation and compatibility with all cranes.

Fit the camera system into your daily operation without learning curve and maintenance.


ApolloCam App Download

Android App


APOLLO M1 Wireless Crane Camera | 無線工業用監察儀 M1

  • Dimension 280 x 246 x 65mm
    Weight 4.8kg
    Solar Module Type Waveguide Panel with
      21% Mono-Si Solar Cell
    Max Power 7.8 Watt
    Battery Type Molicel 21700
    Battery Volume 41000mAh
    Battery Working Up to 70hrs (Total 7-14 days,
    Hours daily working 8 hours.)
    Waterproof IP67
    Installation Mounting by Magnets
    Operation Temp. -20°C to 55°C
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