ICP-2000 Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometers can detect approximately 70 trace to constant elements in different materials. They are widely used in scientific research Institutes, colleges, and other industry enterprises related to the fields such as geology, metallurgy, rare earth materials, electro-plating, cement, petroleum, chemical engineering, environmental detection, non-ferrous metals, medical science, food and agriculture.
- Circuit type: inductively feedback self-oscillation circuit, coaxial cable transmission, matched tuning, power feedback close-loop auto-control
- Working frequency: 40MHz±0.05%
- Frequency stability: <0.1%
- Power output: 800W-1200W
- Power output stability: <0.3%
- Intensity of electromagnetic leakage: electric filed intensity in 30cm distance to the body: E:<2V/m
Sample introduction system specifications:
- Inner diameter of output coils: 25 mm, 3 coils
- Torch: three concentric torches, outer diameter 20 mm, quartz
- Outer diameter of coaxial nebulizer: 6mm
- Outer diameter of double-pass spray chamber: 34mm
- Specifications of Ar flowmeter and carrier gas pressure gauge:
- Plasma gas flowmeter: (100-1000)L/h (1.6-16L/min)
- Auxiliary gas flowmeter(10-100)L/h (0.16-1.66L/min)
- Carrier gas flowmeter10-100)L/h (0.16-1.66L/min)
- Carrier gas pressure stabilization valve (0-0.4MPa)
- Cooling water: Water temperature: 15-25℃ Flow rate >5L/min Water pressure: >0.1MPa Resistivity>1MΩ