With one and the same probe,the multi-parameter water analysis meter controls up to 14 relevant waterquality parameters. The water analysis meter HI 9829 is rugged and waterproof, and has been specially developed for outdoor measurements. The large, backlit graphic display allows easy operation of the water analysis meter. To ensure the longest possible service life, it is supplied with a maintenance kit consisting of HI 7042S electrolyte solution for the oxygen sensor, 5 piece O-rings for the oxygen sensor, a small brush, 5 piece O-rings for multiparameter probe and a syringe for oiling the O-rings. For the multi-parameter water analysis meter, different probes are available in addition to the standard probe. For example, the turbidity of the water sample can be measured by the turbidity probe. In addition, an autonomous probe is available, which automatically stores values inthe handset in a programmable interval,which can be read later. You can leave the probe unattended while it takesmeasurementsand stores the measured values. A combination of all these characteristics in a single probe is of course also possible. The multi-parameter water analyzer HI 9829 can also be equipped with a 12-channel GPS system which enables calculation ofgeographic coordinates worldwide with an accuracy of 10 m. The calculated geographic data can be displayed together with the measured values immediately or retrieved later. This allows the user to take measurements at the exact same place and make accurate comparisons. Each model has the exclusive Hanna Tag Identification System (TIS), which allows measurements without GPS also attributable to a particular place and therefore makes them comparable.
Water Analysis Meter HI 9829
pH Measuring range 0.00 ... 14.00 pH Resolution 0.01 pH Accuracy ±0.02 pH pH / mV Measuring range ±600.0 mV Resolution 0.1 mV Accuracy ±0.5 mV Redox Measuring range ±2000.0 mV Resolution 0.1 mV Accuracy ±1.0 mV Dissolved oxygen Measuring range 0.0 ... 500.0 % / 0.00 ... 50.00 mg/l Resolution 0.1 % / 0.01 mg/l Accuracy ± 1.5% ... 3% of the display depending on the measuring range Conductivity Measuring range 0.000 ... 200.000 mS/cm (current conductivity to 400 mS / cm) Resolution Manually: 1 µS/cm; 0.001 mS/cm / 0.01 mS/cm / 0.1 mS/cm / 1 mS/cm
Automatically: 1 µS/cm von 0 ... 9999 µS/cm / 0.01 mS/cm von 10.00 ... 99.99 mS/cm / 0.1 mS/cm von 100.0 ... 400.0 mS/cm /
Automatically mS/cm: 0.001 mS/cm von 0.000 ... 9.999 mS/cm / 0.01 mS/cm von 10.00 ... 99.99 mS/cm / 0.1 mS/cm von 100.0 ... 400.0 mS/cmAccuracy ± 1% of reading or ± 1µS / cm, whichever is greater Resistance Measuring range 0 bis 999999 Ω•cm; 0 to 1000.0 kΩ•cm; 0 bis 1.0000 MΩ•cm Resolution depending on the measured resistance value